Sunday, May 17, 2015


Jan 2013- Now

Programme Manager and Coordinator of Information and Knowledge Management Programme

  • Manage the Team of the Information and Knowlegde Management Programmme at MRC Secretariat, including assessment and evaluation of programme staff performance against their job description as immediate supervisor.
  • Manage and coordinate all technical, administrative and financial activities to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the programme in full compliance with all appicablle Development Partner funding agreement, the Programme Document and MRC procedures and standards.
  • Act as a Manager for consultation, coordination and implementation of all IKMP activities to ensure streamlined and transparent interfaces between components, other MRC programmes, and with related national and regional institutions (intra-programme, inter-programme and external coordination);
  • Project manager and Team leader for the update of MRC land cover project, MRC water use monitoring, MRC wetland mapping project and MRC Based map project.
  • Consult and coordinate with other MRC programmes and member countries in defining the IKMP activities as IKMP is a service programme cutting across other MRC programmes.
  • Technical team leader and supervisor for MRC council study (MRC basin wide tranboundary impact assessment study)
  • Coordinate, organize and facilitate the IKMP implementation work plans, budget plans, technical studies, training and workshop schedules, etc. in a well coordinated and harmonized manner;
  • Manage the programme’s budget and prepare reports to the MRC Governance Structure, Director of Technical Support Division and Development Partners (inception report, progress and activity reports, internal performance assessment, IKMP completion report, etc).
  • Prepare Term of Reference, specifications, tender documents, etc. as required for implementation of IKMP activities;
  • Coordinate and supervise with the all IKMP teams of Modeling, Hydrology and Information System, MRC Knowledge Hub and Learning center to ensure that the implementation of projects under IKMP is in good progress and efficient use of available resources. Coordinate of inputs of other international consultants and MRC professional staff;
  • Work as focal point and coordinator for international and regional technical cooperation partners as such NASA, USGS, NOAA, JAXA, FAO, UNEP, AIT, CNR and other research institute and universities etc
  • Together with CTA serves as secretary to the Technical Assistance and Coordination Team meetings;
  • Maintaining regular communication and close collaboration with and support to National Mekong Committees and their secretariats, and relevant line agencies in riparian countries;
  • Closely coordinating with national and regional partners to support IKMP implementation for Member Countries;
  • Identify progressive risks, key and emerging issues hampering the progress of IKMP coordination and implementation including foreseen and/or actual deviations from the work plans, milestones and indicators, assess consequences, select and implement appropriate response measures;
·         Support to IKMP team to fulfil the gaps of technical requirements for supporting to priority technical products/outputs (as such technical requirement under council study) planned under IKMP PIP and also provide technical support in term of formulation of the IKMP implementation plans including the long and short term technical strategy development etc;
·         Support in term of providing technical guidance and direction to IKMP team for further development, implementation and integration of MRC-Information system (MRCS-IS) databases, including GIS, socioeconomic, hydrological, meteorological and water quality data etc and MRCS-IS web portal services including tools to search, view and download data and information sharing in more effective and efficient ways and meeting the member countries requirements.
·         Assist IKMP team to improve quality, effectively and productivities of MRC-IS, modelling services, Knowledge Hub (KH) and IKMP M&E system as well as improve IKMP publications (MRC-IS, modelling, and KH).
·         Provides technical support and guidance on the implementation of data and information exchange and sharing and the implementation of Water Use Monitoring;
  • Establish network with other international river basin organizations (Mississippi river, Marydaling river etc ) and develop global links with relevant organizations and technological resource centres around the world;

Jun 2012- Jan 2013           

Officer-In-Charge of Information and Knowledge Management Programme Coordinator, Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS) Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Covered 2 positions including 1) OIC of IKMP and 2) Remote Sensing Specialist)   


  • Manage the Team of the Information and Knowledge Management Programmme at MRC Secretariat, including assessment and evaluation of programme staff performance against their job description as immediate supervisor.
  • Coordinate among the team to solve the conflict issues, programme pending issues and move programme from difficulty situation to a better implementation with productive programme implementation
  • Manage and coordinate all technical, administrative and financial activities to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the programme in full compliance with all applicable Development Partner funding agreement, the Programme Document and MRC procedures and standards.
  • Act as a Manager for consultation, coordination and implementation of all IKMP activities
  • Consult and coordinate with other MRC programmes (EP, CCAI, DMP, FP, AIP and FFMP) and member countries in defining the key possible area of technical support from IKMP
  • Coordinate, organize and facilitate the IKMP implementation work plans, budget plans, technical studies, training and workshop schedules, etc. in a well coordinated and harmonized manner;
  • Improve with better Management on the programme’s budget and prepare reports to the JC, SC and TACT and PCC as requested by senior management of MRCS and Member countries
  • Prepare Term of Reference, specifications, tender documents, etc. as required for implementation of IKMP activities;
  • Coordinate and manage all IKMP teams include Modeling, Hydrology, Knowledge hub, ISI and Information System to ensure that the implementation of projects under IKMP is in good progress and efficient use of available resources
  • Maintaining regular communication and close collaboration with and support to National Mekong Committees and their secretariats, and relevant line agencies in riparian countries;
  • Closely coordinate with national and regional partners to support IKMP implementation for Member Countries needs;
  • Establish and improve existing and new networking with other international river basin organizations and space development agencies as well as develop global links with relevant organizations and technological resource centers around the world.  

Jun. 10- Mar. 13

Remote Sensing Specialist, Information and Knowledge Management Programme, Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS) Phnom Penh, Cambodia 


  • Responsible on remote sensing and GIS activities for MRCS and provide technical support, advice and guidance to NMCs and Line agencies
  • Conduct regular satellite image processing, interpretation and analysis for land cover, land use and wetland mapping, environmental management, hydrology, meteorology and river management for Mekong basin
  • Manage and support to MRC-IS (Information System) and MRC web portal and master catalogue
  • In charge of national, regional and international dialogue/communication/cooperation affair related to remote sensing and GIS works
  • Work as coordinator and focal point for supporting and advising to other MRCS programs on remote sensing, satellite image processing, interpretation and analysis, GIS analysis, database management, cartographic and surveying related works.
  • Manage, formulate, coordinate and supervise on any projects related to GIS and Remote Sensing activities of MRCS.
  • Work as coordinator for international cooperation work between MRCS and US. Department of state including (NASA, NOAA and USGS) and JAXA (Japan) on project formulation, management and implementation related to GIS, database and remote sensing works.
  • Working as officer in charge of Information and Knowledge Management Programme (IKMP) and Technical Support Division (TSD) whenever programme coordinator and Director are on mission/absence.

Apr. 08- Jun. 10

National GIS and Database Expert/Manager, Information and Knowledge Management Program, Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS) Based at Cambodia National Mekong Committee (CNMC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia 


  • Provide technical Expertise, support and capacity building to the CNMC line agencies and IKMP related tasks to GIS, Remote Sensing, Database and Survey
  • Manage the National GIS and Database Component of CNMC
  • Established a national database management standard and metadata for CNMC and all line agencies
  • Established CNMC GIS master catalogue and it user manual
  • Implement and support in spatial and non-spatial data quality assurance and control for CNMC master catalogue and line agencies institutions.
  • Develop a GIS strategy for the GIS and database section within CNMC and its line agencies and support the development of a broader vision for the use and application of GIS within CNMC.
  • Support to the GIS national coordination board within different line ministries related to GIS and database in Cambodia to promote, develop and use national GIS standards. Especially, act as national data and information coordinator between government, and non-government and including national and international line agency institutions.
  • Support in communicate and promote the IKMP goals, guidelines and standards
  • Facilitate in exchange and sharing of data, information and knowledge management.
  • Support in established Knowledge based on data and information management for CNMC and other government and non-government line agencies.
  • Coordinate and carries out GIS related and database management activities among government and non-government agencies.
  • Support in formulation of national GIS and database working group and provide skill support, vision and management of this group for effective capacity building.   
  • Support and manage in training activities including tutoring and training of other unit members as well as primary custodian at line agencies and university staffs
  • Support in provision of GIS services including GIS data acquisition, processing quality control analysis visualization and supervision of national IKMP unit
  • Support in management of overall dataset including spatial and non-spatial data and all related information and knowledge available at CNMC and its programs and generation and management of metadata, data catalogues, data storage system and distribution within country and region
  • Facilitate on program formulation and management including data products preparation, visualization, reporting and participation in all related activities.  
  • Support to organize national and international conferences, ad-hoc meeting and workshop
  • Support in preparing national work plan and budget for program implementation
  • Provide technical advices to difference line ministry in term of GIS, RS, Database and Surveying technologies 

Jan. 07-Apr. 08

National GIS/ Land use Planning Advisor, Land Management Component under the NRM&L Program-Supported by Danida/DFID, Ministry of land Management Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia 


  • Provide technical advice, support, coordination and capacity building to the MLMUPC/GDLMUP in land use planning, mapping, GIS and Remote Sensing Applications and database management system.
  • Develop a GIS strategy for the GIS section within GDLMUP and support the development of a broader vision for the use and application of GIS within MLMUPC. and Implementation of GIS strategy for 2007-2010
  • Support to the GIS national coordination board within the General Department of Cadastre and Geography. Promote, develop and use national GIS and database standards
  • Provide technical advices to GDLMUP, MLMUPC/ LMAP and Danida/MDLF with the aim of supporting strategic assessments approved by the TWG-Lands, PBA-Lands Task Force and the cross-sectoral Council for Land Policy
  • Strengthen the capacity of the GDLMUP in terms of providing regular technical backstopping, spatial data quality control and training needs to the GIS units within the priority NRMLP Provincial Land Management offices and also ensure the quality of mapping services.
  • Conduct GIS and Remote Sensing training courses for GDLMUP, PDLM and DOLM personnel.
  • Monitoring the management, advising and coordinating of the national and all provincial GIS Units
  • Provide Supervision the management of GIS data from Provincial field data collection to entry in the GIS database and create/maintain a logical filing system and metadata for the stored data.
  • Assist in the liaison between national, provincial and other authorities with regard to coordination and collaboration on land use planning, mapping, data and information management, Remote Sensing and sharing GIS dataset.
  • Provide training in extension techniques and participatory approaches to land use planning and GIS/Remote Sensing use for other Royal Government of Cambodia staff and other relevant stakeholders
  • Provide direction and technical advice to MLMUPC on GIS/Remote Sensing capacity development within GDLMUP. This task is include to carrying out a human resource and training needs assessment to develop GIS capacities at national and sub-national levels, and also supporting the development of performance based arrangements for GIS/Remote Sensing and mapping services.
  • Provide technical advice and coordination and act as the coordinator for GIS, Remote sensing and database management context between national and provincial and all relevant program and partners.
  • Support and coordinate in organizing national workshop, ad-hoc meeting and including national and international workshop or seminars.
  • Provide all regular technical advices related to project management, project implementation, coordination affair, Capacity building and including the management of GIS, Remote Sensing, mapping of land use and land management to MLMUPC and Danish Embassy.
  • Supervise and coordination on 1621 commune land use and administrative maps production between MLMUPC, MOI and Danish Embassy.
  • Submit both technical and project management report regularly to MLMUPC and Danish Embassy.     

May. 06-Dec. 2006

GIS/ Land use Planning Advisor, CCB-NREM project, Seila Program,   Sihanouk Ville, Cambodia  


  • Conducting scientific research in the field of natural resource and environmental management, land use planning using GIS and Remote Sensing technology and report accordingly.
  • Providing the regional technical support in term of backstopping of GIS, Remote Sensing, land use planning, trainings and data structure management/spatial data quality check to all Commune/Community based Natural Resources and Environmental Management (CCB-NREM) provinces.
  • Providing technical advisory supports and capacity building to the provincial advisors/staffs in land use planning, applications of RS and GIS in NREM and mapping.
  • Conducting capacity building and assisting the Department of Land Management and Urban Construction (DLMUC) to establish land use planning, spatial database management system and mapping expertise in support to commune councils.
  • To mainstreaming GIS in term of theoretical and technical in the context of land use planning, NREM and mapping to CC and CCB-NREM relevant partners.
  • Providing capacity building to the government staffs from the DLMUC and others in land use mapping techniques and also providing appropriate capacity building to other organizations who are working toward project objectives
  • Providing advises on appropriate technical and managerial framework for staffs within CCB-NREM
  • Supervision on the management of GIS data from field data collection to entry in the GIS database and develop and maintain a logical filling system for the database storage system.  Build provincial capacity and assist staffs with the maintenance of computer and mapping equipments.
  • Conduct training in extension techniques, facilitations skill and participatory approaches to land use planning and mapping for government staffs and all other stakeholders.
  • Monitoring the management of the GIS Unit to help ensure that the management of the unit efficiently directs the resources of the unit toward project objectives.
  • Assisting in the liaison between National, provincial and other authorities with regard to coordination and collaboration on land use mapping and sharing GIS data and supported concepts.
  • Coordinate with the provincial CCB-NREM team and POLA in the province to identify the land use planning and mapping requirements for commune councils to facilitate their CCB-NREM and Land Management planning.
  • Provide dialogue, coordination and coherence with existing land use planning and mapping facilities/providers both nationally and the provinces.
  • To prepare the monthly progressive, quarterly reports and yearly budget plan to Seila TF and UNDP.

Support in GIS/RS and its applications technical development

  • Develop GIS, mapping and database standardization in term of land use symbolization and social environment such as health, Problem/Cause/Solution map and activity mapping to the commune level
  • Develop guidelines in term of maps used to other GIS advisors and national officers
  • Develop technical guidelines and conduct spatial data quality check for all CCB-NREM provinces by using ArcInfo workstation and develop new extension in ArcGIS 9.x to evaluate and reform quality of the spatial topology.
  • Develop a new useful script (Geoprocessing) to attach with ArcGIS for supporting to others GIS Advisor in mapping activities.
  • Develop a standard of spatial meta-data to apply for all provinces
  • Develop a system for handling of different spatial data format usage and conversion

Aug. 04-May 06

Part-time Research Assistant, RS and GIS Field of Study, School of Engineering and Technology (SET) AIT, Thailand


  • 3D visualizations of modern buildings and ancient temples in Thailand
  • Various new research conduction (World Emerging Technical Research involving in Tsunami and other disasters) assigned by AIT faculties
  • Participation in both national and international level conferences/ seminars for information and technical exchange to  update  research work and international publication

Oct., 05-Nov., 05

Training Facilitator on Remote Sensing imageries interpretation, Geoinformatic Center (GIC), AIT, Thailand


  • Prepare the relevant documents necessarily for the training
  • Conduct research topic related to health GIS in terms of health problems and the simulation of area by Bird flue affected
  • Give training for a group of Cambodian delegates on how to process the Satellite Imageries Data with Image Registration, Image Classification with Different Types of Satellite Images such as SAR, and Optical RS (Landsat TM, IRS, IKONOS..etc), Accuracy Assessment of the Interpretation Results, Composition of Project Research Study on Land use / Land Cover Change Detections with Acceptable Results and Interpret the flooded and non flooded area from differences of satellites data
  • Working with the national team

Jan. 04-Aug. 04

Thesis Examination Committee, Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), Phnom Penh, Cambodia


  • Lead and advise a group of senior students to conduct thesis on various topics concerning fishery science
  • Provide technical assistances on Research Design and Methods, Presentation Skills and GIS and RS Image Processing concerning Basic Concepts of Image Interpretations
  • Do evaluation on the research results
  • Give consultation and discussion forum to be raised up their concerns and difficulties in doing thesis

Feb. 04-Aug.04

GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist, Aruna Technology, Ltd, Phnom Penh, Cambodia


  • Closely work with World Bank, JICA Project and Ministry of Transportation to provide their staff with technical support and capacity building on the RS and GIS
  • Develop new Database Management System of the Cambodian Road Network System
  • Conduct Spatial Data Editing, Filtering, Building and Manipulating as well as other GIS spatial analysis including surface analysis, Terrain modeling and extraction. 
  • Raster (image) and vector Feature Processing, Images (Aerial Photos, and Satellite Images), Geometric Correction, Orthophoto, PCA (Principle Component Analysis),  Processing and Projection Conversion as well as Map Layout Design and Spatial Output Accuracy Assessment and Correction.
  • Conduct the Interpretation and information extraction from SAR (Synthetic Aperture Rada) and others optical sensors (Landsat, Aster, Ikonos, IRS..)

Jan. 03-Aug. 04

Part-time Instructor\Research Assistant, Phnom Penh Geoinformatic Education Center (PGEC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia


  • Assist a research and translation work on Tonle Sap Lake Research Project entitled Monitoring of Water Surface and Estimation of Water Volume of Tonle Sap Lake using Satellite Imagery including estimation of water volume, estimation of water deep, observation of the water quality by the deeps of Tonle Sap Lake using modern geographic software, equipments and also satellite imagery (MODIS)
  • Analyses the reflection of the water surface in the daytime by using optic fiber with the wave analysis software and comparing with satellite senses
  • Prepare monthly reports and human resource training plans for technical development
  • Conduct Image interpretation and accuracy assessment in both aerial photos, satellites imageries, Geo-references and OrthoBase of the satellites images, aerial reconnaissance and Topographic maps
  • Digitize the topographic maps on the road construction projects and organize GIS projects and database management
  • Do field survey by using GPS and Topographic Machine and analyze data of the geographic information system
  • Give training on Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing Applications, GPS survey methods, image processing (images interpretation, Fusions, and raster analysis and accuracy evaluation) MS-PowerPoint, MS-Access, SPSS 12.0 for Windows.

Sep. 03- Dec. 03

Part-time Database Designer, NGO Coalition to Address Sexual Exploitation of Children in Cambodia (COSECAM), Phnom Penh

  • Design and prepare organizational database
  • Give organization staffs training on database management
  • Do Software installable  for the organizational computers system
  • Analyze the data by using statistical application and SPSS.

Mar., 03- May 03  

Assistant Technical Managers, HYDROLAND Ltd. Phnom Penh, Cambodia


  • Prepare operational plans and conduct surveys by using GPS for irrigation construction
  • Use satellite imagery for area identification and land use classification
  • Use OrthoBASE methods in order to shift aerial photos in real coordinates system
  • Use image processing methods to clip the satellite imagines with boundaries and Image Mossaicion.
  • Estimate the volume of water by using SAR imageries and analyze the level of earth elevation in order to build dams and to analyze the quantity of volume of water in irrigation system areas
  • Conduct working in topographical surveys and design as well as  analyze database managements with assistance of MS-Access & SPSS

Jan. 03-Feb. 03

Assistant Team Leader of Consultancy for the assessment of the rehabilitation Project of colmatage canals in Saang district, Kanal province, Cambodia, HYDROLAND Ltd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia

  • Assist report preparation, collection of all available project documents, field surveys and contact involved parties
  • Assist in checking the original technical drawings and compute the amount of materials used for all structures and checking on earthwork volume
  • Computation of additional works (Reinforced concretes and Earthworks) based on actual finding situation
  • Take responsibility for actual field measurements of structure dimensions and conduct actual topographical survey by leveling
  • Environmental Analysis by using RS and GIS methods
  • Visualizing on the Satellites images and aerial reconnaissance photos

Mar. 00-Sep. 02

Volunteer to manager, SCALE Integrated Aquaculture Program (SAO), Kandal Province, Cambodia


  • Give the farmers training on how to manage ponds and water systems and data entry, SPSS and concepts of GIS to SAO’s for staff
  • Make sure quality of water and fishes feed provision as well as experiments of breeding fingerling fishes.
  • Conduct researches for experiments and surveys.
  • Create management database and assist administrative staff
  • Do software maintenance

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